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«Vacuum» Exercise: how to reduce waist and burn fat 5 Апр, 2011


With the help of trainers of Kiev «Biceps» fitness club and Yuriy Spasokukotsky’s techniques you can reduce your waistline, «flatten abdomen”, burn fat in a month of your training. This is easily seen at practice: at first workout test photos and measurements will be taken in order to compare them in a month. Only in a month you can lose up to eight kilos of fat without any harm to your body, reduce waist by 6-10 centimeters!

Also doing special exercises, such as «vacuum» (see photos and a video), you can tighten your muscles surrounding the stomach (reduce stomach when doing pulling in exercises and holding muscles in a static position aimed at reducing special internal muscles).

What ABS exercises allow fast “flattening” of your stomach?

Sometimes we just keep beating our heads against the wall instead of going it around. Well, who told you that exercises on a Roman chair or lifting hanging legs will cope with this task? Feel free to spit in the face of this shameless liar!

Have you ever thought that conventional ABS strengthening exercises will simply increase your waist due to growing and thickening your rectus abdominal muscle? But it does not help answering the main question: how to get slimmer due to reducing your waist circumference, but not due to sagging muscles all over the body and their unpleasant sagging in places that need to be resilient and strong?

I believe that the best way to reduce the waist is a «Vacuum» exercises technique. The matter is that this method helps strengthening the muscles surrounding stomach, which pull stomach up and prevent internal organs from their sagging, instead of pumping a six-pack ABS, responsible for convergence of shoulders and hip joints, i.e. twisting your spine.

Go to any female web-site or web-site about bodybuilding and you can read thousands pieces of advice on strengthening your ABS, but you can hardly come across an article about the good old «Vacuum» — an exercise that really allows narrowing your waist by a few centimeters even in a week of trainings without any diets! Of course, you will achieve even better results with proper meals. But let’s get back to decreasing the abdomen.

Как умень??ить талию, убрать живот, сжечь жир. Упражнение Как умень??ить талию, убрать живот, сжечь жир. Упражнение

The technique of «Vacuum» exercise is very simple:

1. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Imagine you are going to sit down. Bend forward, lean arms at slightly bent knees. Buttocks back.

2. Your palms are about two and a half centimeters above your knees. Look straight ahead. This position is more convenient for pulling in your abdomen.

3. Breath out through your mouth all stale air from the lungs. Put the lips together as if you are going to whistle, let go off all the air slowly and evenly.

4. After breathing out all the air, close your mouth and hold your breath. Bend your head, pull in the stomach and lift it up. Imagine how your stomach and other organs of abdominal area are pulling under your ribs, literally saying. When you pull in your abdomen, you make massages and stimulate functioning of your internal organs. Hold your stomach pulled in without any breathing for 10-20 seconds.

5. Relax, breathe in and release your abdomen muscles.

6. Repeat this exercise several times.

Видеоролик — How to reduce waist and burn fat. Exercise «Vacuum».

Practicing this exercise and its variations should be repeated daily always when you have an opportunity for it, you can perform it while sitting, moving or while watching TV. Even doing it for a few minutes a day will reduce your waist by some centimeters in 5 days, your stomach will hang down and stick out less, even if you do not remember about it.